Tag Archives: dreams

New York

I thought I would post about my journey to NYC (if I ever get there)

Alex and I are planning to spend four months in New York for work experience during the summer. We  both fell in love with the place after several visits and its time we stopped dreaming.  At the moment I’ve got sheets of potential internships, I could probably fill the walls in my room with the amount of post-its I have. All fully scribbled with email addresses and names. Today I went through the family address book and I found three people who might be able to help me. I emailed all three and one replied immediately saying she would be “delighted to help”. So that’s that one in the bag! Of course at some point the contact hunting has to stop and I have to start making something out of the slender little CV I have.

The internships I’m hunting for are photography, journalism, fashion and publishing related. I thought I’d keep it broad and see what I can find. I realize its very competitive but my naive little eyes can’t stop scanning down my post-its and thinking: one of these people, one of these contacts has got to say yes!

Keep your fingers crossed for Alex and I. More updates will soon follow.

And of course Merry Christmas!

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